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Fitness Memberships

Fitness Membership Fee Table
Membership Type Annual 3-Month Monthly Drop-In
Community $550 $145 $55 $10
Senior (55+) $350 $100 $45 $5
Track * $150 $5

Corporate * min.of 4 (purchased at one time) 

$400 Corporate Membership Application

No FOB or Initiation Fees.*

Youth 12 & 13 yrs. must complete two fitness orientations, and be with a legal guardian at least 18 yrs. of age while in the facility. Youth 11 yrs. and younger are not permitted in the fitness centre.

Fitness Membership Cancellation Policy 

A first time membership purchase is refundable within the first two weeks, minus a $10 administration fee. After the two-week period, memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable. 

With the exception of a Pre-Authorized Payment Contract, a membership may be cancelled and refunded if the individual contracts a serious illness, or a permanent physical incapacity which is confirmed by a doctor we reasonably agree to. Membership will only be cancelled in the case of a (medical illness, or permanent physical incapacity) from the date of which the Doctor's note was received by the CLC Fitness Centre.

Relocation Cancellation Policy

Members with a Pre-Paid Membership may cancel their fitness membership before the end of their current term if the primary account holder relocates more than 30 kilometers from the Town of Olds. A 30-day written notice is required, along with documentation confirming the new address. An administration fee equivalent to one month’s membership fee will apply before the cancellation is processed.

Members with a Pre-Authorized Contract Membership, a $50 administration fee will be charged for cancellations due to relocation.

Account Credits 

Once a credit has been applied to a member, or an inquiry account the credit can no longer be refunded.

Cell Phone Use Policy

  • Taking pictures or videos of other individuals without their direct consent is strictly prohibited and may result in the loss of your membership (without refund). 
  • For the overall enjoyment of others, cell phones may not be used for telephone calls while on the workout floor or during fitness classes.
  • Cell phone use of any kind is not permitted while of fitness equipment, or in facility changerooms.
  • Headphones are required when playing personal music or streaming on your device.

Last updated: Mar 20, 2025 (09:47AM)

The Community Learning Campus is a joint venture between Olds College and Chinook’s Edge School Division, in collaboration with the Town of Olds and Mountain View County.

